SC 4107 Lab Machines
The EWS computers in Siebel Center for Computer Science room 4107 are available for your use in the course. There are 21 computers with Unreal Engine 4 installed. All students have e-lock access to room.
We have set aside 3 machines for remote access only. You should be able to access the machine using Remote Desktop from Windows or Mac machines or even a ChromeBook. The instructions are here: LabCheck instructions
Make sure you backup your files someplace other than the EWS machines. The machine filesystems are cleaned periodically, so you will need to store your Unreal projects in a repo or on Box or Drive, etc.
Below are a list of online reference material for the topics covered in the course.
Unreal Engine
Blueprint Programming
C++ and Unreal Engine
Geometric Modeling
The Essentials of CAGD by Gerald E. Farin and Dianne Hansford
UIUC Library E-book link
Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes SIGGRAPH 2007 Course Notes PDF
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition by Steve Marschner, Peter Shirley UIUC Library E-book link